Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Be sure in what you think you know

Misconception. A funny word, one that holds so much mystery and lies that often it can be hard to comprehend. I’ve found myself in the midst of this word the last few weeks and I know of others who have also been privy to it. The problem my friends? Snap judgements. 

The reason for being caught up in this word is that (long story short) I broke up with my boyfriend
about a month ago. It was for personal reasons and was surprisingly civil; there is no bad blood between us. This is exactly where misconception comes into play; many people are too quick to latch on to one negative thing that happened and to create stories about what happened in their own heads.
Now, most of you all know that I’m a live and let live kind of gal and I’m well aware that people make mistakes, and often times very stupid ones, lord knows I’ve made enough to last a lifetime and I surely know I’m not done yet. I certainly don’t judge people by the mistakes they have made, which personally I think is a big problem these days, but rather about how they present themselves to me.
To be honest, in my opinion one of the biggest misconceptions you’ll come across is that of the dumper and the dumpee. People have this notion; yes it is a notion, that the person who does the, excuse the insensitivity, dumping doesn’t feel sad. There’s this weird idea that once they’ve set someone free that they’re off jumping into bed with the next jolly Rodger. Wrong (at least for the majority of people). I have been on both ends of the spectrum and let me tell you that neither is less suckish than the other, it’s a different kind of pain. No matter whether you’re the one doing the dumping or the one getting dumped you’re still losing a very big part of your life. Believe it or not cutting (completely or partly)  someone who you once loved and still care deeply about out of your life is a big decision,  one that I struggled with for many weeks, and also one that I admit I should have dealt with sooner but to be frank what’s done is done and that’s that. 

It just irks me the way that some people think that the dumper feels nothing, bullshit. So today people I am sticking up for those who have been in a similar situation as myself, who have felt a lot of love for their significant other, who have decided that being in a relationship just isn’t right for now and those who have felt that they need time to themselves to learn and discover. It can be a very distraught time for both parties in very different ways. While hurting someone else for wanting time for yourself may seem selfish it is in fact one of the least selfish things you can do because staying in an unhappy situation will be more damaging in the long run. 

So friends, from now on if you’re somebody who has been the victim of assumption and rumours, ignore it, if somebody wants to spend their time worrying about your problems then you must be bloody important.

For those who are doing the assuming, I’ll ask you to stop and think for a minute, think about what might have happening in the weeks, days, months even minutes before whatever it is that’s got your knickers in a twist happened. Not everything is as clear as it seems.
And for everyone, remember that life’s too short to sweat the small stuff, we’re only young, let’s live and have fun, we will more than likely fall in love many a time before we’re done. And for Jesus sake mind your own god damn business

Let’s just remember that there are people like this in the world, though I won’t assume too much as assumption has been the main topic of discussion here, she might have had a good reason for electrocuting herself.