Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Cajun chicken bagel without the chicken?

So recently I started a new job. Well, new in the sense that I haven't worked in that particular premises before. However, I have been a waitress since I was fifteen. Now, the title may seem strange but there is a funny story behind it which I will proceed to tell you. Yesterday was my first day on the deli (in this job), as you might guess I was kind of nervous about this as it is very stressful and a lot to remember in one day. So as I was being trained these two people came to the counter. Now was my time to shine, to show my skills. Or so I thought. The two customers asked for a toasted Cajun chicken bagel each, which was grand, pretty straight forward. I mean, there's a list on the side of the fridge with the ingredients on it so ya know, just follow that and I'll be flying it. I went ahead and made the bagels anyway and gave them to the customers. Shouldn't have done that. Why you ask? Wait for it..

I FORGOT THE BLOODY CHICKEN. I mean seriously. I know I'm a bit on the daft side at the best of times but the clue is in the name, it's a Cajun chicken bagel. I don't know about you folks but I'd say it's pretty darn obvious what's in that bagel. I can't believe I did that.. (but really it's a very typical me thing to do)

And while we're on the topic of funny stories here's another one for ya. Last summer while my Mam was away, I decided I'd be good and clean the house (I swear this wasn't because I had people coming over for a house party or something..pfft...who would do that while parents are away?). Anyway, there's this mirror that my Mam has wanted to hang in the downstairs bathroom for yonks now. So I thought, can't be that hard? I decided I'd try my hand at D.I.Y. My nearest and dearest know that I'm a very clumsy person (I know, odd trait for a waitress) so this was most definitely not my forte. But sure never know unless you try right? So I went ahead and drilled holes in the wall (after measuring the distances of course), then put the screws in the wall etc, etc. but then, when I tried to put the mirror up, it didn't fit. I could have sworn I measured it properly. I was wrong. So I took out most of the screws but went I got to the last one, it got stuck in the god damn wall! I couldn't get it out, I even got people to try at my party but it didn't work! In the end I hung a compact mirror on it and hoped my Mam wouldn't notice. She did. It was probably funnier at the time but I mean come on..those of you who know me, can you imagine me trying to hang a mirror? I think I overestimate my abilities..a lot. So now we have a random screw and multiple holes in our bathroom wall, and people still ask questions.. 

Moral of these stories: 

1. Don't enter the waiting profession. Ever. Trust me, it's not as fun or easy as it looks. And you forget all sorts of things. Like chicken in a bagel.

2. Don't be a feminist and think you can D.I.Y. I mean, please, you will hurt yourself with things like hammers and drills. These are men's jobs. Screw the feminist movement. 

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