Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Hello friends. So my blog has taken a backseat for the last few months, not because I didn’t want to write in it but rather because I was in final year of college. It was sometimes hard to find time to eat, let alone write for fun. There were times when I craved it after all we all know it is one of my greatest loves and it saddened me that I couldn’t give into it but other things were far more important. Now, now I can because you see people, I am in that ‘oh my god what am I going to do with my life?’ limbo stage and I can do whatever I bloody well like.

This weekend I volunteered at the Cat Laughs festival in Kilkenny, for those of you who do not know what that is it’s an annual comedy festival held in June and really cool people from all over come and perform. I had fun. I made new friends. I met some really class comedians. Here’s pictures of me with Al Porter and Karl Spain just because.

Having fun is important, it doesn’t matter how old or young you are everybody needs fun. I thrive on fun. I missed fun during the last few months; I was all about studying, reading (academically) and writing essays. I lost parts of myself, I found myself trapped in a wrath of responsibility and commitment and to be frank I hated it. Now, don’t get me wrong obviously we all have responsibilities in life, and I will have many more as my life goes on but I’m only 22. I’m reluctant to accept that this is what the rest of my life is about, that when you finish college and it’s working 9-5 Monday to Friday. That can’t be it, not for me anyway. I'll be damned if I enter a world of seriousness at such a young age. The world is my oyster.

(I Just had to) 

I like to have fun. The younger generation now thinks that fun comes in the form of technology and the internet, which I guess, is understandable because that’s all they’ve really known. For me, it’s completely different while it is true that fun can be got from playstations and the like, that's not all it s about. I have fun by talking to my friends, going for tea, hanging with my family, reading books and even hanging with people I’ve barely met. Meeting interesting people is fun. Experiencing new things is fun. I know I go on about the younger generation and their habits but if I’m being honest, I just don’t really get them, sometimes it feels like they come from another planet but that's a discussion for another day!

I prefer to be happy rather than sad, but as you all probably know it’s hard to be bouncy and on top of the world all the time! Actually, I don’t think I’d ever describe myself as bouncy; it’s not a right fit. Maybe enthusiastic might be a better word. Having adventures thrills me. I have sad days, but with every sad day comes many happy days, so it balances itself.

The key to my happiness and fun having? I’m real. I don’t pretend to be anything other than what I am. Isn’t that what life is supposed to be about? I don’t change according who I hang with, what would be the absolute point? I’m opinionated, and everyone knows it. If I have something to say I’ll say it. You only get one life to live, don’t bottle it up and follow the crowd. Live the life YOU want to live, not what other say you have to live cause then that won’t be fun.

The message of this post: Have fun, don’t be too serious, live your life, be real, go on adventures. As my mam would say; you’ll die and get rich anyway, I have no idea what it means but it seems to be promising so I’ll pass it on to you.

Good day my special readers, until next time. This has not been one of my best posts, and I've probably repeated a lot from my other uploads but sure as we say here in Ireland, it'll be grand. In the meantime here's a little number to keep ye all in good spirits.