Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Let your ears be filled with the sweet sweet melody..

I have recently discovered many new artists thanks to the recommendations of a friend. I now have found many new obsessions. I love listening to music, but moreso I love music I can relate to. Many of the songs I have lisened to from these musicians I have been able to relate to in some sort of way. I thought I'd share some of their work with you so that you too can enjoy the magic that is them.

Here is a song by Lights which features Coeur de Pirate, both are Canadian musicians. The song is called Peace Sign and I really think it's so beautiful.

Coeur de Pirate also has other songs which I love. This is one of my favorites:

She also has other songs that you should check out that I think are amazing. Try listening to 'Comme les enfantes' or 'Adieu'. I really really love her music, its so beautiful!

Through listening to Coeur de Pirate, I found another singer whose work I enjoy. Her name is Joyce Jonathan. I like her music too, here's a video for 'Je ne sais pas' but you should also check out 'Pas besoin de toi' and 'Les souvenirs' too!


I know most of these songs are in French, but even the melody is amazing so you should definitely listen to them. Even if you have no idea what they're saying.

J'adore la musique, c'est très belle. La vie serait ennuyeuse sans elle. Écoutez et apprécier mes amis!

Sunday, July 21, 2013


So I haven't posted in a while. The main reason being that my life has consisted of eating, sleeping, working and attending parties. As you can imagine there wasn't much time for anything else to be honest. All that 'living' is hard work let me tell you!

I'm not exactly sure what I intend to write here. I just kind of decided that I should post again. I guess spontaneous things are the best right? Most of the time. Except when it lands you in stupid situations. Then it is not the best.

Like sometimes I get the urge to jump on a train (cause I love em) spontaneously and just go somewhere. While this seems like a pretty normal thing to do in my messed up brain, it really isn't. I mean. What a waste of money it would be just to travel back and forth on a train. And for what? To look out the windows at trees, green fields, houses and more trees. Yeah. Real exciting. Trains are quite good for thinking though. Like, so peaceful. Unless there's a bunch of crazy teenagers who think they're 'all that' trying to pick a fight with the other passengers (this has happened). This makes for an unpleasant journey. And awkward. Yep, I definitely felt awkward. On the other hand, many of my life decisions have been made on trains. And they worked out so it must be an effective method.

Have you ever noticed also that some of the biggest decisions you make are made spontaneously in the shower? Why do we suddenly think that this would be the perfect time to sort through our deepest problems? Once again the human brain baffles me. It's like we think the shower is going to present us with all the answers we have ever searched for. Oh look, the hot water hit me, now I must make a decision. Whaaaat? Bitches be cray! Like okay, yeah maybe decisions like what I'm going to eat for lunch, or what I'm going to do tomorrow is grand. But decisions like I should move country or I'm going to buy a new house should not be made in a moment of pure relaxation cause by the heavy stream of hot water. No. This can't be sensible.

Spontaneous shopping. Now, this has to be one of the worst things to ever hit the human race. Ever. I once spent €100 in Penneys. In one go. I still wonder how I managed to buy that much stuff to amount to that much money. Like what was I even doing? I can guarantee half the things I bought that day were hardly worn. Such a waste of perfectly good money. And shoes. Oh my god. I think my eyes just see some shoes, then my brain says 'these would go nicely with the other 20 pairs that lie unworn in the bottom of the wardrobe'. I rarely ever need new shoes. I mean, I only ever wear one of two pairs. The others lie neglected in my room. I should give them away I guess. But maybe I'll wear them in the future (the phrase which is common amongst the female population.) I mean let's be honest girls, we're never gonna wear them again are we?

Aaaand then we have spontaneous nights out. These are often some of the best times of your life. Just deciding to up and go. No forethought needed. They do often end in ridiculous antics but a little bit of insanity never killed anybody right? Or did it? I don't know. You know the nights where you're determined to have a quiet few but suddenly it turns into a mad one. Unexpectedly. Like a flash you're in the midst of music,dance and drink. But who can complain? That's what being young is all about. Spontaneity.

So there you have it. Another extremely random post. And actually it's probably a tad boring but hey, who cares? I sure don't. Later peeps.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Alcohol induced shenanigans.

So here we find ourselves in the month of July. Time goes fast doesn't it? The topic for this post came quite easily for me after a spontaneous adventure last Saturday night. What may the topic be you ask? Drunken Antics. There. I said it. It is a post full of the ridiculous things that people (I) do when drunk.

Isn't it strange when you think about the nights you've had a little too much to drink. Don't deny it people, it's happened to the best of us. You get to wondering what actually happened during those hours that you can't recall. What did I say? Where did I go? Who was I with? Did I steal something? These are all things that race through our minds the following day. The fear. One of the many things I hate about drinking. I mean the drinking is great in the moment and you always have the best craic imaginable but the next day you actually feel like you are literally about to die. Like everything in the entire world is out to get you. Once it was so bad I was scared to go outside. I don't know what the hell I thought was going to happen if, god forbid, I walk to the shop. Of course this is all part of the affects of alcohol. Yet, we still continue to drink. The human race confuses me once again. Time after time. No matter how much we've fecked up at the hands of alcohol in the past, we continue. Although don't people say drunk words speak sober thoughts? Gosh, I fear what I've been telling people. Meh, who cares. They were probably drunk themselves. See. That's the funny thing. We almost always forget that the majority of the time the other person/people were drunk to so the likelihood of them remembering is quite slim. Unfortunately for me, my friends have great memory after nights out...

I'll tell you a story. Last Saturday night, it was my friend's 21st, so naturally we all went out for a few celebrations. A few turned into a lot. Drink after drink. Shot after shot. My inhibitions rapidly worsened. Everything started to become a blur. I mean, I don't remember a lot after one o'clock. I'm not ashamed though (clearly, I'm telling this story to the internet) because I have not been so diabolically drunk in a very long time. Now, normally people go to the pub, drink or whatever, then (because they know they should sleep) they go home. My drunk brain does not have this rationality. My drunk brain decides that it's a good idea to go drinking 'down the 'nal' (judge me, I don't care) as we so like to call it. I had never done this before. It was a new experience. One that I only partly remember however. It was good craic, this I do remember. I recall that my brain also thought it would be a good idea to go paddle in the river. In my clothes. It a was a good idea. Until I fell in, so ya know, that was cold. I remember being cold. Then, if I hadn't already displayed myself as a gobshite, I decided to lie down in the grass and admire the buttercups, typical drunken happenings as you all probably know. Never in a sober state have I admired buttercups. I mean, they're only yellow. What does drunk me think is so pretty about them? I'll have to ask her. This is the extent of my recollection of Saturday night, it was a good time though. I had needed to let loose for quite a while and I think it is safe to say that I accomplished that task. So there you have it, my spontaneous adventure landed me in a hilarious situation. College has changed me I tell you. The amount of silly things I have done has sky rocketed since beginning. Between walking into shop shutters and sleeping against flower pots (all alcohol induced) I have enough stories to last a lifetime, why be embarrassed? Youth is sacred, it doesn't last forever. I could tell you plenty more stories (that have been recounted to me by others) but I'm not sure they're even safe for the vast space that is the internet so you'll just have to do without.

I also think it's interesting to watch other people when they're drunk. It's like you meet their alter egos. Sometimes it's entertaining, other times not so much. The stories you hear from drunk people are most definitely one of a kind. And I'm pretty sure extremely exaggerated. Oh my god, you jumped out of a plane without a parachute and didn't die? No drunk person, I'm almost certain you had a parachute or else you would not be standing here in a drunken state talking to me. (not a real story, just an example.). Also they always try to tell you they're younger than they are. You're 25? You have grey hair and wrinkles. Uh-Uh don't think so mister, nice try though. Some people are violent. I try to avoid these at all costs, I'm out to have a good time, not die. Some are absolute perves. No! You cannot chat me up person who is three times my age. Ugh. However, even if some of these memories can be quite disturbing for us, they can all build up to make pretty good story material and one things for sure, you'll always remember those times. I do laugh when I think about the crazy times I've had on nights out, sometimes I laugh at myself for being so ridiculous, other times I laugh at others for being so god damn entertaining. But hey, it's never gonna stop right? So why not embrace the mad and weird times? After all life's gotta have a bitta spice. Or else it's just plain boring.

While it's good to go out and have the craic with a bitta alcohol thrown in, I feel obliged to add that you should most definitely be careful when it comes to alcohol. Especially all you young'uns out there who've yet to find their happy medium. Don't over do it on the experimenting. Trust me, I've been on the wrong side of alcohol one too many times. It ain't too pretty. Go out, have fun, laugh and be silly. You're only young once, make the best of it while you can.