Monday, June 3, 2013

You called your child what now?

Hey there people of earth. Now, some of you may know, others will not, that I have been a writer from a very young age. Songs, Poems, Stories, Screenplays, you name it, I write it. I used to be very private about my writing but recently with the encouragement of friends and family I have decided to become more open about it. And what better way to do that but to start a blog? Recently I've seen an increase in the amount of people using blogs so I said to myself why not jump on that bandwagon? I'm pretty sure my family are sick to the bones of my rantin' and ragin' so maybe I should express my thoughts to the vast universe that is the internet.

There was one thing in particular that came to mind when I was thinking about a topic for my first post; The utterly ridiculous names that celebrities give to their children. I mean whats up with that? Do you want your children to be bullied? Apple? Peaches? Blue Ivy? I. Just. Don't. Get. It. I'm not sure what the purpose of these names are! Okay yeah, naming your child Paris or Brooklyn, after cities..these are normal-ish. But fruit  or colours? Why? It blows my mind. Its makes me sad to think what happened to the good oul traditional names like Mary or John. Did they get lost in transit? 

Do these people think they need more attention? What if everybody named their children bizarre things? Like they just picked the first thing they saw. People would be walking around with names like 'Chair' or 'Desk'. I don't understand how they can think these names are perfectly acceptable. I feel bad for these kids. They're in for a long ride. But hey, maybe they like their names? Who knows. The world is crazy.

And that is where I'll leave you for now, think about that for a while (but not too hard). Until next time my fellow beings! 

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