Friday, June 7, 2013


This is a serious post. Just because I do this thing where I pretend everything is all fun and games so that I can avoid the serious topics. Unfortunately, life is filled with seriousness (but fun too). The topic of this post is judgment. I hate it. It is the most utterly degrading thing in the world. People make assumptions at first glance, without a second thought. Why? What gives you the right?

I've been judged. My friends have been judged. My family has been judged. Everybody has been judged at some point. Doesn't make it feel any better. Actually, it makes it worse, knowing that those who judge you know how it feels but they do it anyway. The purpose of this post is to maybe, just maybe, make you think before you judge.

You might think you know a person but you really don't have a clue. That still doesn't give you a right to call them names or make them feel shite about themselves. You don't know what they've been through, what they've had to deal with, could be nothing, could be something. You could be the final straw. Don't make them give up. Life shouldn't be something to give up on. It should be enjoyable. Don't be the one that makes them hate the world.

And to those who are judged don't change just because of other peoples opinion of you. It's not worth your time or energy. It all becomes irrelevant anyway. You'll move on. They'll move on. You probably won't even remember them in ten years time. Just be you and that's all anybody can ask from you. They don't have the right to ask anything more. It's not their life.

So I'll end this post now cause I don't want to rant on for ages. Just please think before you judge somebody. Think about what they might be going through in their own life. Walk in their shoes for a second then walk away. Don't say or do anything. Just walk away.

P.S. I just got called a bagel by a certain somebody (you know who you are). I feel hurt that you equate me to a piece of 'crusty bread with a hole in the centre' (I'm not really hurt. I'm just exposing you as a name caller to the internet.). I've also been called a spoon before, people gotta get some better insults!

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