Monday, September 2, 2013

That time I was ridiculously bored..

Two posts in one night? That shows how little I actually do with my life. 

Right. So some of you might know that I have a brain full of ridiculous and pointless facts that nobody in the entire world could possible care about. And a lot of them are pure ridiculous and probably not true anyway. If I could remember my college work as well as I remember these then I'd be doing far better. Here's a few for ya to ponder! 

1.     Cat's are lactose intolerant (you're not supposed to give them milk. It's a myth)
2.     Walt Disney actually had a fear of mice (so obviously it's logical to create a cartoon about a mouse)
3.     Everyone's tongue print is different (I really don't know why I know this but I do!)
4.     Arachibutyrophobia is the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth (I just thought this was funny)
5.     It's impossible to lick your elbow (everybody knows this)
6.     Apparently (because it's probably not true) people who suck ice cubes have more sexual desires than those who don't (ridiculous right?)
7.     French speaking residents of Belgium are called a Walloon (maybe I'll be one, one day!)
8.     You can't hum while holding your nose closed
9.     It's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open (please don't try it)
10. Coca-Cola says that only two people know the recipe and they aren't allowed to travel on the same plane in case it crashes. (what if one dies, then the other dies, will there be no more coca-cola?)
11. It's not possible to tickle yourself
12. Ketchup used to be a medicine
13. SWAG originally meant 'Secretly we are gay'
14. Coca-cola would be green if colouring wasn't added to it
15. Prostitution has been observed in penguins and chimpanzees (what a random thing to observe)
16. On average a person spends an overall of 2 years on the phone
17. On average right handed people live nine times longer than left handed people (if this is the case I am royally screwed.)

Okay methinks I should end it here. There is one thing and one thing only that we have learned from this post: I really really need to find something better to do with my time, this is starting to get ridiculous. 

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