Sunday, June 9, 2013

Why Oh Why?

This post is about things I don't understand (you might not care but I'm going to tell you anyway!). Why do people think it's necessary to add frills, flowers and bows etc. to the majority of girls clothing? We're not all in favor of this particular fashion trend. Some of us like to dress in shirts and jeans. It may not be typical attire for girls but who cares? There is absolutely no need what so ever to add frills, to like EVERYTHING, does it not itch really bad? I. don't. like. frilly. things.

Another thing. When I watch TV in the evenings, you know, after a long hard day of doing absolutely nothing (it's tiring stuff really), my family decide to not talk but shout to one another during the show and then during the ad breaks they shut up. Why? This really confuses me. Ad breaks are vital talking time. Nobody cares about ads. Don't. interrupt. my. watching. TV.

Algebra. It makes absolutely no sense to me. Never did. To this day I have not used it since leaving school. What was the point in learning it? Simple. There is none. Although, a maths teacher once told me that it is used when building a rocket ship, cause ya know, that was totally next on my list of things to do. It. is. useless. (except for those who study mathematical things of course)

Wrapping paper. I love it, don't get me wrong or anything. But. You wrap all these gifts, they look extremely pretty. Then you rip all that paper off and throw it out. Isn't that a waste of money? Why buy it for it to be ripped off days later. I've resorted to buying bags, at least you can reuse these and  I hate wasting money. Just. be. practical.

Ireland's weather. What up with that? I know the majority of you guys will agree with me. Snow in April? Rain in July? Sun in November? What is going on? It frustrates me not knowing the seasons, this is something that is essential to know. Ireland. quit. being. bipolar.

Fake tan. Now this I really don't understand. People, we're Irish, we're not supposed to be tanned. It's like the law or something. And like sometimes (a lot of the time) it looks orange. Actually, the other day I saw this girl and she had fake tan on but it looked like she forgot to finish it because it stopped at her ankles. It was pretty obvious that tan was not real. Plus, your face always looks far lighter than the rest of your body. That's not supposed to be the case. But ya know, if that's what you're into work away. I'll be stickin' to the traditional white. I'm pale and proud!

High Heels. Good god. I tried them. I gave up. They hurt. They're unstable. They're a lot of unnecessary hassle, sure just throw on the oul converse and you'll be grand! No need for all that stilt (to me, they feel like stilts)  malarkey.  All that balancing is just too much concentration. No bueno dude, no bueno.

People. I just don't get them at all. They go out in little to no clothing in the winter time (are you not cold?!?). They complain about a ridiculous amount of things. They never know what they want. And the thing I don't understand the most about people (including myself) is why they just can't be direct. If everybody was direct about what they feel/think (okay, maybe not everything, I don't want to know everything) then the world would be a more understanding place.

Finally, I. don't. get. Snuggies. A blanket with sleeves? Have you never heard of a dressing-gown? And why is it open at the back? That means only the front of you is warm. That defeats the purpose of blanket methinks.And lets not forget it looks absolutely ridiculous (and please don't even try to tell me it doesn't cause I will turn and walk the other way).  It is one of the most pointless things invented in the world. Along with the pet massager (why would I want to massage my pet?) and the pizza fork (I don't eat pizza with a fork, so why would I want a pizza fork?). These things exist. I swear.

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