Once again I must apologise for the huge lapse between posts, but this time I have a legit reason other than just being lazy. My laptop broke while I was in Spain, and then there was the whole starting back in college bla, bla, bla, basically once again, life got in the way. But let's face it folks, when doesn't it? I'd rather be busy than have nothing to do!
Living abroad comes with both positive and negative things, naturally, but a lot of them are just downright inconvenient, so I said I'd compile a list of Pros and Cons about living in France for anyone who was contemplating spending any length of time there, or anywhere really.
N.B. These are not in any particular order, merely the order in which they entered my brain.
- The Bread, but not just any 'ol sliced pan now, the BAGUETTE (from a boulangerie of course), it's like the God of bread. (Nom).
- The weather, I mean the sun is just somethin' else, a little advice to the newbies, invest in A LOT of fans, a cool abode, and (if possible) a portable shower. If you're from a hot country then this point is void.
- The beaches, the soft sand (avoid when windy cause then that shit gets annoying. And sticks to EVERYTHING) and the warm sea, (I have yet to brave the Irish waters since returning.) A little warning: Be prepared for people to just whip off clothing as they wish, they will never be described as a self-conscious nation.
- Bad words don't really sound like bad words. Merde, Putain. See? Completely innocent. (Except when shouted at you by druggie to whom you would not give money.. sort of needed that for food you see.)
- Things are cheap; food, accommodation, cinema, alcohol. Makes me think like, Ireland, get your shit together.
- The markets. You find the most randomest crap here, I mean they sell ANYTHING. If you happen to find yourself thinking, oh, I'd love to buy a huge Peugeot sign, then hit one of those up. I'm not even joking, there was a market that sold this. It's great!
- Disneyland. Who doesn't love it? If you go to France for a prolonged amount of time and don't go, then you are crazy and you will need to get that checked. Go at Christmas time, it's out of this world. And so colourful. It's possible I may never grow up.
- The architecture, everything's just so beautiful. Mr. Eiffle, you are some man.
- One of the best things? Meeting people from ALL over the world, I feel so cultured.
- They don't like to share. Students in particular, just don't ask for notes, it's as if you asked if you could kill their favorite pet.
- If you are foreign, you will know you are foreign, you might as well write it upon your forehead.
- The milk. What even is that? AVONMORE, people, AVONMORE!
- The tea. Just bring your own, That's all I'm saying. And then get family members to post more when you run out. Just another note: If you have a friend named Barry, your Mam will find it the most hilarious thing to send you Barry's tea. And you'll be all like... Okaaaaaaay.
- Opening hours. Reminder: THEY DONT OPEN ON SUNDAYS! And sometimes randomly close in the middle of the day. That's cool, it's not like I needed anything.
- Most of your family and friends are in a different country, and you can't annoy them with your strangeness everyday like you used to.
- Nightclubs are sleazy,
- The train people LOVE strikes. And it always seems to happen when you really need to get somewhere..
That's all I've got for now, but no doubt there's plenty more to be noted! So if I think of any I'll be updatin', if you lovely folks think of any, leave a comment!! With all it's ups and downs I really do love France! And the language too, it's just so beautiful! So long my lovelies, I promise I'm getting better at this blogging malarky starting this month :D
Your blogs make me happy, while simultaneously making me sad that we're no longer in France. Happy memories, seems so far away!! <3