And if that wasn't enough I got to go back to a Dublin night club. Oh how much I had missed it. I don't normally like going out on holidays such as Halloween but since I hadn't been back in a while nothin' was going to stop me! Of course it was more packed than a subway at rush hour in New York (I have no idea what that is like but I imagine its similar to sardines in a can), and you know it was difficult to move but I had a good night. I dressed as a Pirate Captain....although at random points in the night I remember people coming up to me saying 'let me guess...slutty pirate?'. I'm not quite sure where the slutty came from, maybe it was the fishnet tights. Who knows? Who really cares all that much? Anyway. Twas a good night with many wonderfully random costumes. There was this one guy in particular who dressed up as Facebook. GENIUS. A very strange night was had by all, so strange in fact it was brilliant! You forget how much you miss the simple things when you've been away for awhile, but all the same I welcome the change in my lifestyle. It gives me room to grow and all that jazz. It's interesting to notice the little changes that have happened in such a short space of time. Who knew it was possible eh?
After my amazing trip back to Ireland, myself and two of my friends spent the day in Paris. I can honestly say that in that one day I spent more time on trains/metros than I ever have in my entire life. Blue lines, green lines, yellow/green lines, red lines, light blue lines. Dear lord, so many colours, so many lines. So many people. It was good though I love the hustle and bustle of it all, I'm strange like that ya know? We figured it out eventually though. Of course you can't visit Paris and not see the Eiffel Tower, I mean it's practically visible from most positions within Paris, the best part of seeing it was my friends reaction 'Is that it?'. It is safe to say that the Eiffel Tower was very underwhelming for him. and not the right colour either. But it's okay, because he says its grand like. We didn't go up it this time because the top of it was under construction but when we go back at Christmas time we will, at night time. WITH SO MANY LIGHTS! *if you could see me now you'd see my eyes light up with excitement like a child on Christmas morning*. We also walked up the Champs d'Elysee (there are plenty of shops there that we certainly can't afford, but they're nice to look at right?).
I think it's right to say that last week was a pretty eventful week for me, I loved every bit of it, from my friends' shock of my arrival to the sights of Paris. It was amazing to say the very least. I can't wait to get started on more traveling. What's life without a little adventure eh? Now I know this has not been the most exciting post in the world (I promise the next will be better) but it has come to my attention that maybe I find puns a little TOO amusing, so with that my friends I'll leave you one to giggle away at. Love to you all!!
Gets me every time.
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